Thursday, July 3, 2008

BB & Mr. Bobby come to town

My aunt and her boyfriend came to visit us. We had such a great visit. The girls loved having them here. They swam, we went and saw fireworks at Rockets over Rhema (way to go Rhema, what a fantastic show), went to a car show, went to see the new American Girl Movie Kit, and just hung out. Here are some pictures from their visit.

BB feeding Audrey

Burping the baby

Teaching Lauren to swim

look mom, BB's teaching me to swim

BB with those girlz, they sure kept her hoppin!

Mr. Bobby & BB with the girls at Rockets over Rhema

Audrey watching her BB at Rockets over Rhema


Jen said...

Glad I got to meet your family! I bet it was nice having an extra set (or 2) of hands around! Looks like the girls enjoyed the extra attention too. Hooray for family!!