Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The many faces of a baby

All the many faces of Audrey...she is laying at her changing table...and looking at her toys...just how many faces can she make...hold on this one is long...

She has found her tounge...and loves to play with it...is is SO cute...

Gammie this ones for yOu!

upside down baby

My little girlz mohawk

She has started to reach for things...


Mamajil said...

What a beautiful blessing!!!! And what great blue eyes!! Ramsey has blue eyes too not as blue as Audrey's but blue enough that people remark on them being blue...which is a first for me...I had to have 10 to get a blue eyed baby...lol
You are blessed with beautiful daughters!

Jen said...

I can't believe she is reaching for things now! Wow! Can't wait till she's reaching for ME! ha ha